Monday, 19 May 2008

The Outsiders in Top Form

"You can run, but ya can't hide!! I am here to haunt you." this is from Sue (stroke). Sue has been getting her crew excited for the big regatta on Sunday out at Penrith Lakes. The crew has been training very well and are looking in top form.
Unfortunately Matt (coach) fell over yesterday while doing the half marathon and could barely walk as a result of his fall and couldn’t ride to training this morning. We all hope to see Matt tomorrow feeling alot better.
A last word from Sue "Remember its all about appearances. Short and steady wins the race. We want to get out of the water feeling proud, proud to be ………………………….."The Outsiders"."

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Matt's 'The Outsiders' Crew

On Tuesday I went out with Matt's crew to get some great promo shots for next year Corporate Rowing. In the few weeks that Matt has been coaching his crew, the crew have excelled so much that Sue is confident they are going home with the Corporate Cup.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Corporate Rowing Season 08

Well our Corporate Rowing has been kicked off with some wonderful mornings. The mornings are very cold but everyone warms up pretty quickly after Matt and Pete put the crews through a few training techniques.
There is no better way to start your working week with piece and quiet and some of the best sunrises you'll ever see. It is all worth it! Last week we had beautiful sunrises, rainbows and a few light showers to witness ours crews starting to form into a well timed team that should hopefully see one or both of our squads crossing the finish line to stand proudly on the Olympic Podium to collect their medals on Sunday 25th May.
I would kindly invite everyone to come down to SIRC (Sydney International Regatta Centre) Penrith Lakes, Penrith from 8am until 2.30pm to witness our MLC Corporate Crews cross the line. Hopefully see you all their.
anyone interested in Rowing call Trudi and she will organise you into crews for next years big event- mark May off in your diaries for next year and come and join in the fun. As Juanita says " I 've been hooked by the rowing bug!"