Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Arrived in FrankFurt

We are now in Frankfurt Germany, it is quite cold and a little bit rainy. If this is their summer it is just like our Winter. We are having a great time and the flight to Germany was easy although we got lost going through the airport and when we finally found the baggage claim everyone was gone and our bags were just sitting there all by themselves.
Dillon wants to say Hello to everyone and the Nutella here is fantastic!!! She misses all her friends.
We saw some pretty funny things in Korea, it is a lovelly country and the people are so nice and welcoming. We stayed at a Hotel near the airport to minimise our travel and near that was a fishing villiage that we explored. Anyway we now going to explore Frankfurt if it does not snow and please enjoy some random pics from the journey so far.
Cheers Darren
Last night we ate in Sassen Hause area in a restaurant called Claudia’s- a schnitzel House. The restaurant was in a original area of Frankfurt like The Rocks but we were so jet lag we ate and left straight away. In the morning we woke very early and had breakfast at 6am, the hotel breakfast which was included in our tariff was really good, the kids loved it, great coffee, eggs and cakes, Dillon even found the Nutella.
We spent the day looking around Frankfurt. It started off at the central railway because we were told there was a post office there but it was closed. Next we went to a historical section of town called Romerberg. The buildings are all from a few hundred years ago and Trudi had a good time taking pictures. I had a good time eating the German hotdogs (wurst). We ate in a place that had 40 different varieties. The girls then found of course a shopping centre and Taylor ending up buying some new clothes and Dillon a hat, of course on the way Darren found something else to eat = Giant Pretzels, they are soooo good. The afternoon was spent walking to the other side of the city over a bridge and back into Sassen Hause to re-visit the old cobble stone streets and to have German Beer in a cosy little pub (kids allowed).
The city is situated on a river, the Rhine I guess, it was lovely to walk to Romaberg from our Hotel very calming and beautiful. Taylor is giving her German a good work out and she has helped us ask people lots of questions to help us get around. Thanks to Taylor’s German teacher she should get straight A’s there.

2 comments: said...

Hi Van de Wints
Some great pics so far, welcome to european summer, rain!!! Keep having fun :) Looking forward to seeing more photos as your trip moves along.

Paul, Niki & Yazmin

Anonymous said...

Ha! Darrens a laugh in those photos. More funny Darren Pics!
Getting into more outragous scenerios!! <:D