Saturday, 6 September 2008

Day 11 - Cape Liptrap VICTORIA

We continued to Venus bay where we stopped and bought some Fish and Chips to eat by the sea. After we decided to drive through the national Park to photograph Cape Liptrap Lighthouse, as we travelled along yet another dirt road we were stunned by how many wild animals we saw on the road (alive not road-kill), mind you they moved pretty quick and were hard to identify except for one- I thought it was a small pig but Roger nailed it! It was the biggest whitest Koala we have ever seen. I stayed with the car while Roger grabbed his camera and set chase after it to photograph it. A few scratches and sticks in his hair, he returned later with some shots of the koala. we will have to wait for him to put them on Flickr as I did not get any photographs.
We eventually found the lighthouse at the end of a rocky cliff top that over looked the treacherous Bass Strait and built in 1913 to help warn ships of the rocky coastline below. We were lucky with the weather as a storm was coming in from the sea to help make our photographs look more dramatic.

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