Thursday 12 August 2010

Great Outback Tour - Day 7 - the continuation....

The Great Outback Tour - Day 7 - 19th December 2010 - Roger and I made to Lightning Ridge where we found a comfortable Hotel with air-conditioning. It took quiet a while for us to leave the comfort of our room (morning temp was sitting at 40 degrees - does it ever get cool?) but we managed it and decided after breakfast to to take ourselves up to the closest Opal mines.

We took ourselves on a dirt road and followed the "Yellow Car Doors", which is a tour along the Opal Mines but we cheated and just drove ourselves around being careful not to fall down any unmarked mines. On our travels we came across and old church for which a local told us it was built for a movie set. Then again Roger and I thought all of Lightning Ridge was like a movie set for the weird.

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