Saturday, 26 January 2008

Fishing with The DuffMan

Doug Stewart (Emma's dad) and I love fishing so we booked in a few hours with Lake Jindabyne's fishing legend Mark Duffy. Doug and I started at 5.30 am and by 6.30 am we had 3 Brown Trout under our belts. The first fish went to Doug landing a 1.2 kg and 10 mins later I landed a 1.7 kg and Doug pulled in a whopper at 2.7 kg. We then moved spots to do some Rainbow Trout fishing and Doug snagged and let me reel in a 1.2 kg Rainbow Trout plus I caught a small Brown Trout but we let it back as we had 3 big ones.
In the photos Doug is holding all our fish as I don't like touching them but I held my 1.7 kg Brown Trout on a very long stick.
I would like to thank Doug for putting up with me all week hasseling him to fish at every opportunity plus Yabbying and Pete Hughes for letting us use the Tinny's.
I would also like to thank Doug and Terry for cooking the Trout for our dinner , which their were loads of request for more but we only cooked the little fish as Hamburgers where already organised. The fish was really lovely.

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