Wednesday, 2 January 2008

New Year's Day

New Year's Day started out the perfect day with the weather being at temperatures of 27 degrees and no wind. As Darren and I were having our breakfast out the front of the house a visitor came in the form of a Sulfur Crested Cockatoo. At first I thought he was a wild bird as we have them nesting in the neighbours tree and there is a lot of them in the neighbourhood but I went for a closer look and found that he greeted me with "Hello Cocky". Hmmmm I said this does not seem wild to me so we carried him into the front yard so a dog or person would not hurt him as he is really quiet gentle. Of course Oliver (the cat) and Chloe (the dog) were also very keen to check him out also. Oliver is feed way to much food to think about hurting a bird - I mean why go to the effort when food comes to you.
He spent last night in our front yard and my neighbour Bill said he would keep him until someone claimed they have lost a pet cockatoo mean while Darren was not interested and went to spend his New Year's Day floating in the pool until he got the call about Dilly's foot- poor thing she can hardly walk, but the medicine is kicking in and I don't think she will have to go to hospital.

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