Friday, 29 February 2008

Year 7 Camp for Dillon

It seems like my kids are always on camps! Dillon has just come home from a 4 day camp to Lane Cove National Park, which is in Sydney's north. The camp was called "getting to know each other", so they had lots of activities that involved team work. This year they have included row of some form, unfortunately for their rowing master he did not have an appropriate place to launch the row boats so the kids tried to row with canoes - just not the same.
The good news is that Mr Hughes is making Dillon Junior Rowing Captain - which means she is responsible in recruitment of years 6-7. She is very excited about this.
This week Sydney has been bombarded with severe thunderstorms and flash flooding, so apart from a slight fall on the first day and getting in trouble by the teachers for another girls mistake, Dillon came home with no scars from the camp and was happy MLC gave them Friday off to rest after camp. This was great as Dillon and Trudi's eldest daughter have regattas all weekend at Penrith.

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