Monday, 21 July 2008

Day 3 - Cradle Mountain TASMANIA

After having some afternoon tea at Stanley Roger and i headed finally to our true destination of Cradle Mountain. From Stanley it was a 2-3 hour trip, we headed back some of the way we already travelled and a Somerset we stopped to buy our food (as Cradle Mountain we have to fend for ourselves).The drive to Cradle mountain was truely beautiful with an unexpected wonderful drive through Hellyer Gorge and great mountain scenes.
We arrived about 6pm and as we were loading our things into our cute mountain bush hut, we were visited by a local possum who was not at all shy about inviting himself in and look around to see what goodies we have bought him. of course I cannot help but feed the cute thing with some of our rashens. Once he finished his food he pooped and left and Roger conveinantly disappeared and left me to the poop.

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