Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Catch-up with Old School Friends

Last night I caught up with girls I used to go to school with, which is quiet a normal thing for us as we try and get together every few months. It is always fun to catch up what they are all up to and how well the children are growing and turning into little adults. Some of 'the girls', I went to primary school with Judi, Sue D, Karen and Kim and Sue D. I actually went to pre-school with, so I have known these girls for almost 40 years and we still remain quiet close. Chrissy and Sue M - I went to high school with and Sharon - well she has always been their since high school even though she went to another high school.
In the group photo at the back is Sharon and me in red, then from left to right Karen, Chrissy, Kim, Sue D, Lyndel, Sue M and Judi.
As always we went to Old Castile and have been for over twenty years, we always laugh about things that have happen the last time we were there and of course many years before as well. Over the years it is funny how when you are on o good thing stick to it - not just good friends but the GARLIC PRAWNS with GARLIC PIZZA BREAD this is the real reason we keep coming back. The evening started with having wine and excessive talking as we watch the sunset out the windows, the evening was fantastic with a light show put on in the means of a terrific storm and ended with excessive talking as we watch the rain out on the balcony having our coffee.
Next year will be our 25 year re-union which Sue M. is trying to get organised now and we are looking forward to seeing the whole gang for this as some could not make it last night and they were missed.
We would also like to thank our husbands for forgoing our dinner to mind our children however we were expecting them to rock up and sit at the table next to us with the kids saying - ' Honey- I did not know what to feed them so we decided to eat out '. Sue M and I ordered GARLIC PRAWNS with GARLIC PIZZA BREAD for take away for Darren and Ivan as they were a bit upset that they would miss out - Enjoy Boys! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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