Sunday 2 December 2007

Kookaburra in the Yard

Today we have a beautiful sunny Summers day and Darren is relaxing in the pool and calls out to me to bring the camera and here is a Kookaburra in our yard. Kookaburras come around a bit but it is not often they sit still enough for us to take a few photos. We also have other native Australian birds that play in our yard, such as Galah's , which are pink and grey parrots that you can buy as pets and train them to talk or do tricks, same as Sulfur Crested Cockatoos, which are white with a yellow crest. Our neighbours Bill and Belinda have a family of these nesting in the tree outside their home. They nest inside the tree in a hollow and are very noisey. We also get in our yard Corella's, Lorikeet and Rosellas.
All of these parrots you can buy from pet shop and have as pets they are about $200- $500 per bird depending on if they have been hand raised or not.
We did not have so many 5 years ago but because of the drought alot of the bush animals and birds are driven by need to find food on the coast - we don't mind they are beautiful to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It makes us long for summer! Here it's cold right now and our summers are like your winters. So imagine how we feel! Those birds we only see in books or a zoo...